Sunday 19 June 2011

Days 2 and 3

Hey guys. So all the members of the program have now arrived and we have a full house. It's great to see everyone and we have kept pretty busy over the past 2 days. Also, my luggage finally arrived. Yesterday, we hiked (yes it's basically up the mountain) to see the main University campus. The upper campus is absolutely stunning, the prettiest campus I have ever seen. It is surrounded by beautiful views and foliage. I took lots of pictures but I have been having camera problems so I'm not sure if I'll be able to retrieve them.

In the evening we went to a choral tribute to Nelson Mandela. I expected it to be kind of cheesy, but it was actually pretty moving. Even though I didn't understand all that was being said (the emcee spoke primarily isiXhosa), it was clear that the crowd was very inspired. Although the concert was a little long, the music was beautiful and the energy was electric. After the concert, we went to a cafe for late night drinks and a snack before hitting up a couple of bars.

Today, we woke up late and enjoyed our last day of freedom. We went to the Waterfront village, which was a touristy shopping and restaurant spot right on the ocean. It was a beautiful location but felt like any American mall. After that, we got our first meal in the house (we get three meals a day catered...not a bad deal!) and then went to a bar/poolhouse in Obs before going to a cafe for desserts.

Tomorrow morning, we have orientation for our service program and the first day of classes start Tuesday. I am very excited to learn more about the service we will be doing, as that is what attracted me to the program in the first place. Sorry, this wasn't super interesting, I hope to have more to post soon!

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